Some days are just good days.
I woke up a little on the late side, feeling actually rested, did some (very) light yard work in the shady grass outside, and then went to lunch with my family and grandparents. Polka dotted dresses make everything feel a bit more awesome. Over the afternoon I cleaned a little, my favorite slow, lazy kind of cleaning- almost therapeutic for me- and snuggled a lot of cats in the process. After dinner we went to my aunt's house to play games, which is not something I tend to enjoy, but we all ended up laughing until we cried... and there was cheesecake and family wrestling matches.
I'm nervous as hell for school to start, for my eighteenth birthday, for most of my friends leaving, for.... August and everything after. But I want to start out with a clean slate. I think maybe I've been trying for that for a while, but going about it the wrong way, and I'd like to mend as many of those mistakes as possible. To whatever extent they CAN be mended. There's no excuse not to try, at least.
I'm writing more, for myself. I've lost the urge to share the majority of it, but having a notebook of small things for myself is nice.
The sweeter things: Kaylee Frye dresses. Cheesecake. Bell peppers. The feeling of cleanliness. Labrador retrievers. Micah, the tiny little boy I watch sometimes, and his big brown eyes. Owl necklaces. Helping to heal wounds (literally). Giving in to my addiction to TV shows set in prisons. Doctor Who marathons with my sister.
And Esther Day. If you bother to read this, odds are.... I love you.
And I love you!